【作者】姜水军; 任瑞晨; 张文军
【Author】JIANG Shui-jun; REN Rui-chen; ZHANG Wen-jun(College of Resource and Environment Engineering; Liaoning Technical University; Fuxin 123000; china)
【摘要】 根据白碳黑的物理化学性质及在橡胶中的补强性能,用行星式球磨机将珍珠岩超细粉碎至微纳米级粉体,并将粉体用GHR—10捏合机进行改性处理。研发成功白碳黑等量的替代产品,解决了传统橡胶填料颜色深密度高的问题。
【Abstract】 According to the physics and chemical property on the (?) rubber, pearlite powders are grinded to rnicron-nanometer with the planet type ball mill, the powders are processed by GHJ-10 kneading Machine to get active treatment, an equiralent substitute for silica white managed to solve traditional rubber packing problem of color dark and density high.
【关键词】 膨胀珍珠岩; 超细粉碎; 真密度; 白碳黑; 橡胶助剂
【Key words】 inflation pearlite; ultra-fine; real density; silica white; assistant reagent used in rubber