"> 美国NJIT Prof. Yan课题组招收博士后、博士生及访问学生/学者 - 400期刊网新闻频道

美国NJIT Prof. Yan课题组招收博士后、博士生及访问学生/学者

时间:2017-03-04 15:55:18 来源:论文投稿


  The Department of Chemistry and Environmental Science, and Dept. Material Science and Engineering of New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT, 10 km from New York City) are offering one postdoc, several PhD and several visiting students/scholars positions under the supervision of Prof. Yong Yan. These positions are open now until filled.

  Research key words: solar fuels, inorganic chemistry, photoelectrochemistry, catalytic materials, semiconductors, solar cell materials (quantum dots, perovskites, III-Vs), green chemistry.

  Details in: http://chemistry.njit.edu/people/yongyan

  PhD students may need to accommodate university's language requirements, however, exceptional students with strong academic background are welcomed to apply.

  Details in: http://www.njit.edu/admissions/graduate/howtoapply/criteria/phd-programs.php

  Admission time: 2017 Spring/Fall

  Please directly send your resume to Prof. Yan (yong.yan@njit.edu). PhD applicants need to include his/her plan on TOFEL and GRE.


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