"> 中华耳科学杂志(英文版)版面费(2) - 论文百科论文范文 - 400期刊网专业论文投稿机构


时间:2017-03-03 16:57:56 来源:论文投稿


  Aims & Scope简(95)Temporal cues and the effect of their enhancement on speech perception in older adults——A scoping review简Hemanth Narayan Shetty

  (102)Pre-attentive auditory discrimination skill in Indian classical vocal musicians and non-musicians简Himanshu Kumar Sanju;Prawin Kumar

  (111)Human otoacariasis:Demographic and clinical outcomes in patients with ear-canal ticks and a review of literature简Taliye Cakabay;Ozan Gokdogan;Murat Kocyigit

  (118)Trimethyltin-induced cochlear degeneration in rat简Jintao Yu;Dalian Ding;Hong Sun;Richard Salvi;Jerome A.Roth

  (127)Label-free visualization of cholesteatoma in the mastoid and tympanic membrane using CARS microscopy简Jing Zou;Antti Isom?ki;Timo Hirvonen;Antti Aarnisalo;Jussi Jero;Ilmari Pyykk?

  (134)A screening analysis of the GJB2 c.176 del 16 mutation responsible for hereditary deafness in a Chinese family简Hao Jiang;Xi Shi;Shiwei Qiu;Yanfen Dong;Yuehua Qiao;Dongzhi Wei

  (138)Vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials recorded from miniature pigs and rats简Li Ya;Zhang Yan;Qiu Shi Wei;Yuan Na;Shi Xi;Qiao Yuehua;Shi-Ming Yang

  (144)GUIDE FOR AUTHORS简(149)Notice简(149)Advertising information简

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