"> 天文和天体物理学研究(Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics(2) - 论文百科论文范文 - 400期刊网专业论文投稿机构

天文和天体物理学研究(Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics(2)

时间:2017-02-28 15:47:25 来源:论文投稿

  (13)Physical and geometrical parameters of CVBS Xh Cou 1511 (HIP 12552)Mashhoor A. Al-Wardat[1];Mohammad H. El-Mahameed[2];Nihad A. Yusuf[3,4];Awni M. Khasawneh[5];Suhail G. Masda[6]

  (19)Damped large amplitude oscillations in a solar prominence and a bundle of coronal loopsQuan-Hao Zhang[1];Yu-Ming Wang[1,2];Rui Liu[1,3];Cheng-Long Shen[1,2];Min Zhang[1,4,5];Ting-Yu Gou[1,4];Jia-Jia Liu[1];Kai Liu[1];Zhen-Jun Zhou[1,4];Shui Wang[1]

  (29)NUV Star Catalog from the Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope Survey: First ReleaseXian-Min Meng;Xu-Hui Han;Jian-Yan Wei;Jing Wang;Li Cao;Yu-Lei Qiu;Chao Wu;Jin-Song Deng;Hong-Bo Cai;Li-Ping Xin

  (37)On the reality of broad iron L lines from the narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxies 1H0707-495 and IRAS 13224-3809Pramod Karbhari Pawar[1];Gulab Chand Dewangan[2];Madhav Khushalrao Patil[1];Ranjeev Misra[2];Sharada Keshav Jogadand[1]

  (43)Similarity of jet radiation between flat spectrum radio quasars and GeV narrow-line Seyfert I galaxies: a universal δ-Lo correlationYong-Kai Zhu[1];Jin Zhang[2,4];Hai-Ming Zhang[1];En-Wei Liang[1,2];Da-Hai Yan[3];Wei Cui[4];Shuang-Nan Zhang[2,3]

  (53)On the non-Gaussian errors in high-z supernovae type Ia dataMeghendra Singh[1];Ashwini Pandey[2];Amit Sharma[2];Shashikant Gupta[2];Satendra Sharma[3]

  (57)Example-based super-resolution for single-image analysis from the Chang'e-1 MissionFan-Lu Wu;Xiang-Jun Wang

  (61)What determines the observational differences of blazars?Xu-Liang Fan[1,2,3];Jin-Ming Bai[1,2];Ji-Rong Mao[1,2]

  (71)Beta decay of nuclides 56Fe, 62Ni, 64Ni and 68Ni in the crust of magnetarsJing-Jing Liu[1];Xiang-Ming Zeng[2];Xiao-Ping Kang[1];Liang-Huan Hao[1];Hao Feng[1];Dong-Mei Liu[1];Chang-Wei Li[1]

  (81)Probing model-independent cosmic opacity and its spatial propertiesJun Chen

  (87)Inner jet kinematics and the viewing angle towards the γ-ray narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0323+342Lars Fuhrmann[1];Vassilis Karamanavis[1];Stefanie Komossa[1];Emmanouil Angelakis[1];Thomas E Krichbaum[1];Robert Schulz[2,3];Annika Kreikenbohm[2,3];Matthias Kadler[2];Ioannis Myserlis[1];Eduardo Ros[1,4,5];Ioannis Nestoras[1];J. Anton Zensus[1]

  (99)The Energetics of White-light Flares Observed by SDO/HMI and RHESSINeng-Yi Huang[1];Yan Xu[1,2];Haimin Wang[1,2]

  (105)Astronomical data fusion tool based on PostgreSQLBo Han[1];Yan-Xia Zhang[2];Shou-Bo Zhong[1,2];Yong-Heng Zhao[2]

更多论文百科论文详细信息: 天文和天体物理学研究(Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics(2) 论文代写
http://m.400qikan.com/lw-198343 论文代发

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